Thursday, January 13, 2011

Leverage Your Email List

Writing by Nick Stamoulis

Have you been in business for quite some time and have accrued a nice list of emails you have never really tapped into? An email list can be a very powerful area to market your business you just have to be consistent and methodical about it.

Scheduled Informative Newsletter
An email newsletter is a great way to really get in front of your email list and deliver a nice steady stream of traffic coming to your website repeatedly. As long as you provide good solid newsworthy information your list can utilize nobody should get upset about anything. Try writing an article for each newsletter letting your audience know you are eager to provide them useful information.

Product Announcements

Do you come out with new product announcements on a regular basis? Try putting together a newsletter to your already brewed up list letting them know about your new product announcement. Try to make your product announcement more informative about the product or service and how it can provide a solution, rather than making it all sales focused and turning off those on your list. You don’t want people to start unsubscribing from your newsletter because they have a bad taste in their mouth surrounding your business.

Company Information
You could also display company information periodically when new things start occurring at your company. Possibly a new department has been created? Maybe a new piece of equipment? It could be anything.

A newsletter is an amazing way to really pull in targeted web traffic on a continuous basis. A newsletter not only builds trust in your audience but is also a great touch point with potential customers and clients that could want to learn more about your business.

A newsletter allows for constant interaction between you and your customers and it lets them know you are alive for any future needs or purchases. As long as you don’t abuse the ability to communicate with your list you will not anger them. You know your customers best and you know how often to interact with them through a newsletter communication efforts.

View the original article here

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